Shredder sterilisers

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Shredder sterilisers

Chris Bates
Does anyone have experience of medical waste shredder / steriliser machines?
For dialysis consumables or even for a whole hospital ?
We have a consultant who is on a green mission.
Seem like a good idea, but years ago, I was told they are more trouble than they are worth.
I had a quick look. The microwave sterilising type seems more likely to be less trouble than steam sterilising.
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Re: Shredder sterilisers

Ian Wilde
Sorry Chris I have no idea.
As a service we don't half throw a lot of consumables away though.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Shredder sterilisers

Chris Bates
I found this range of machines, which doesn't require steam generation or high pressures:

So far they haven't replied to my enquiry though.
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Re: Shredder sterilisers

Chris Bates
Found another system that is more the size for a whole hospital, rather than a renal unit.

One problem is, you need a waste processing licence and inspection by the environment agency.

Beginning to sound like a job for Estates not renal techs!
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Re: Shredder sterilisers

Chris Pearson
Hi Chris,
Are you still researching this ?
Having a tidy up here and found a hard copy paper written by the Hon.Ray James published by EDTNA in 2010 Journal of Renal Care 36(3) 161-169 I can post to you if it might help.
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Re: Shredder sterilisers

Chris Bates
Yes please Chris. Got a green nephrology meeting next week.
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Re: Shredder sterilisers

Chris Pearson
I'll pop it in the post Chris .