Singe patient RO connection to water supply

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Singe patient RO connection to water supply

fraser gilmour
This may have been discussed before but I'd be interested to know how other hospital's estates departments views on connecting dialysis services with single RO and pre-treatment.
Our previous compliance officer was adamant we couldn't connect directly to any supply without Cat5 protection in place, making a distinction between the risk within a hospital compared to HHD.
I'm aware that some other hospitals are able to make these connections with lower protection. With evidence that this is being done elsewhere I might have a chance of convincing our new CO.

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Re: Singe patient RO connection to water supply

Gareth Murcutt
From memory we use 2 non return valves (can't remember the exact type) which i believe is another way to achieve compliance.
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Re: Singe patient RO connection to water supply

fraser gilmour
Thanks Gareth,
If your estates dept. allows you to use double check as backflow protection within the hospital then they are not enforcing it as a cat 5 risk. Double check is only acceptable up to cat 3.
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Re: Singe patient RO connection to water supply

Gareth Murcutt
Agree Fraser. We have class A air gap at all hospital sites but double check vales at HHD installs. I believe they are lower cat.