Too much cement?

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Too much cement?

Chris Bates
Found this ABS elbow leaking.
I think the installer may have been a little over zealous with the solvent cement!
Lasted 10 years though.

ABS elbow
ABS elbow1
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Re: Too much cement?

Gareth Murcutt
Hi Chris,

We had pinhole leaks appearing in the middle of ABS pipe sections (not at joins or elbows) between 3rd and 13th floor. Phil Jones mentioned he had seen it once when the wrong solvent was used. Apparently it creates micro flaws that the water gradually works on until pinhole leak occurs - about 10 - 12 years. Eventually we replaced the whole thing with two smaller flexible pipes (polyprop I think)
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Re: Too much cement?

Chris Bates
Yes, we have had installers mixing and mismatching PVC and ABS pipes and adhesives - usually work for a while.

This one was done with the correct ABS cement, just way too much applied into the female.