Treatment plant life cycling

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Treatment plant life cycling

Hi All,

For one reason or another we have never had a stated life cycle replacement time for our main water treatment plants.  This possibly stems from viewing the system as modular, each part being replaced as and when required.  

After recently beginning the process to replace one system, with a few others approaching similar ages on the horizon, does anybody else set a life cycle time on there plant?

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RE: Treatment plant life cycling

Onkar Singh

Hi Gary


We set a life span of 10 years for main water plant as a whole.


Kind regards,

Onkar Singh | Chief Clinical Technologist/Section Head – Renal | Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering      

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From: Garry [via ART Forum] [mailto:ml+[hidden email]]
Sent: 13 April 2018 10:53
Subject: Treatment plant life cycling


Hi All,

For one reason or another we have never had a stated life cycle replacement time for our main water treatment plants.  This possibly stems from viewing the system as modular, each part being replaced as and when required.  

After recently beginning the process to replace one system, with a few others approaching similar ages on the horizon, does anybody else set a life cycle time on there plant?


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Re: Treatment plant life cycling

Ian Wilde
In reply to this post by Garry
Hi Gary,

We're the same as you.  Until we're given notice by the manufacturer that a certain component will no longer be available we keep replacing the bits. Our plant i's still the original one - just like trigger'a broom
Ian Wilde