Water plant cleaning

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Water plant cleaning

Richard Brownlee

Our Renal unit manager is keen to reduce water and electricity costs in the unit and has asked me about reducing the frequency that the water plant is heat sanitised.  We currently heat sanitise weekly, but was wondering what the minimum amount could be?  I suspect it would be trend based form endo/coli results?

Many thanks
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Re: Water plant cleaning

Gareth Murcutt
Hi Richard,
I wouldn't go less than weekly. Do you heat the ringmain as well? Water quality is paramount. Do you do online priming? The kgCO2 gains made by online priming far outweigh any electricity or water costs.
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Re: Water plant cleaning

fraser gilmour
In reply to this post by Richard Brownlee
Hi Richard,
We have central ROs with cold chemical disinfection membranes running alternate day duty/standby which are disinfected with peroxide on a quarterly basis. Thermal loop disinfections integrated with the machines are done weekly. Periodic sampling shows low TVC counts well within the ISO limits for supplying our HDF machines.
Our home based ROs are all hot units running thermal cycles twice weekly to achieve similar colony counts.