paediatric dialysis

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paediatric dialysis

John Barnes
Good morning everyone
Our paediatric machines are up for replacement so i'm wondering what machines other trusts use, we currently have AK200s machines

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Re: paediatric dialysis

Ian Wilde
Hi John,

We used to have a fleet of AK200S and also AK200 UltraS.

A couple of years back we brought in 5 x 5008 machines with the peadiatric software on and 5 x Ak98S.

We need the mix as there is only the AK98S that has a validated line for neonatals and Freseius are not investing in producing a line that will have a small enough volume for the neonates.

The 6008 may have a smaller line volume perhaps but this still may not be small enough for your clinicians even if it is smaller?

What has gotten our nursing staff in a bit of a tiz though is the field safety notice here.

I know there have been some meetings between nurses and Baxter about how to best manage it however I don't think there is a completely satisfactory result in the eyes of the nurses - but what can you do!?
Ian Wilde
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Re: paediatric dialysis

Ian Wilde
P.S. anyone under 17kg goes on the AK98 - with caution according to staff.
Ian Wilde
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Re: paediatric dialysis

Chris Pearson
As an interim measure if there is currently no fluid detector in the tray what about putting one of Mr.Bailey's Hemodialerts in there to detect any fluid leaks during treatment ?