Aqua Uno Pump Heads

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Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Ian Wilde
Just thought I'd share that I have sourced the pump heads direct from the manufacturer.
£127.70 but you have to buy 12.

They are nearly £500 each from Fresenius.
Let me know if you want further details.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Chris Pearson
Group buy anyone ;-)
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Ian Wilde
We can easily do 12 with 70 RO units in operation Chris
Imagine if we could get together as a group though and negotiate a price!
Ian Wilde
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Chris Bates
Good idea if they are exactly the same.
Anyone else seen this severe wear on the pump/motor drive on Aqua C Uno H ?
We have had a few now.
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Ian Wilde
Yes Chris they are the exact ones direct from fluid o tech in Italy. I have some good pictures to send you of aqua Uno motors tomorrow when I'm back in. Thought we were the only ones!
Ian Wilde
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Ian Wilde
In reply to this post by Chris Bates
Ian Wilde
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Chris Bates
Just looked on Fresenius Technet
New pump head part numbers and installation instructions.
Now includes lubricant and a lubrication ring.
I haven't had any tech bulletins this year - maybe there was one about the new pump head.Aqua_Uno_pump_head_Installation_instruction_614620.pdf
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Ian Wilde
Good find.

Looks like the document is only dated the 25th of May 2019 so perhaps they haven't gotten around to letting us know?

I do feel communication is something Fresenius could look at.

They really do need another body in their workshop as Greg is usually snowed under with training.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

John Barnes
You could try Becktech Ltd they refurbish our Gambro pump heads for less than £50 might be something to look into
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Ian Wilde
Hi John,

When i traced back the manufacturer of the pump heads to Italy, it turns out that Becktech are their UK distributor!

I didn't know that you could get the old heads refurbished so bought brand new (still good value but not as good as £50!)

If we can just now find someone to refurbish the 5008 gear pump heads....  Fresenius now charging best part of £700 for a new one on their price list.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Chris Pearson
This post was updated on .
We used to sell replacement pumps from Maprotec until customers were threatened by a supplier because they weren't CE marked they are still showing a picture on their website which might indicate that they may still sell them.
Big advantage with theirs is that they also sell replacement gears,shaft bearing collars and seals which would save the NHS £K's.
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Ian Wilde
Thanks Chris - will have a look!
Ian Wilde
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Chris Pearson
Hi Ian,
I've asked them if they still do them just in case.

Funny story was a stroppy rep who will remain nameless listened in and then interrupted a private conversation in the bar at Manchester Exhibition Centre BRS meeting and told his customer that if he fitted them it would invalidate the warranty on his COBE machines and slinked away when the customer explained that he would be hardly replacing them on a machine that was still under warranty.
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Ian Wilde
Yeah, that rep didn't really think that through did he
Ian Wilde
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Chris Pearson
I've had a reply from Maprotec and they do still make replacement gear pump head kits for the FMC 5008 machine which includes the pump head and special flange,a driving magnet and hose fittings and they also sell a repair kit to replace the internal gears and seals which gives a huge saving going forward compared with throwing a worn one away.
I can send you all the details by e-mail if anyone is interested.
Minimum order is just 5 .

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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Ian Wilde
Thanks for that info Chris - can I just confirm for my own confusion; are we talking about the 5008 gear pump heads or the Gambro ones as the picture in the link looks like the Gambro style?

Ian Wilde
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Chris Pearson
Hi Ian,
I specifically asked him for FMC 5008 pump heads and he's quoted me based on that,I think the photo's are just examples,they are in Germany so I'm hoping he knows the difference .
I've also asked him regarding his take on CE/ISO MDR liability issues and await his response .
I'll double check that he does have 5008 heads if he replies.
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Ian Wilde

As mentioned, the list price for a 5008 pump head is reaching £700 now.  We have some still going strong after a decade of heavy use, we have some that last 3 or 4 years - pot luck really.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
Not sure what specification the pump is but looks similar to the ones we use on our Gambro WRO300H units.  We always use a company called Becktech to refurbish for another nice saving.  Can't recall any issues with the ones we have fitted post refurb and they do one at a time if needed.
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Re: Aqua Uno Pump Heads

Matt Waite
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
At the risk of being a thread jacker, does anyone know if repair kits are available for magnetic drive 300H pump heads?

We've had a number of this newer type running just fine for a while, then we've suffered four magnet failures in as many weeks. Possibly (or not) due to the increased frequency of heat disinfects we're running to keep the bugs down.

Once dismantled, the pump turns freely enough, but the magnet has cracked binding up on the inside of the drive capsule. They're not a cheap item and I'm told they're a Gambro special with no generic equivalent.

Drive Failure