BS/ISO Standards documents

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BS/ISO Standards documents

Gerry Boyle
Hi, Much is discussed of, and referenced to, a variety of BS/ISO Standards documents within our discipline; how many renal technical departments actually own all of the relevant standards.   Is this something that ART maybe need to discuss with the issuing body and try to get some kind of favourable agreement on cost? Gerry
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Re: BS/ISO Standards documents

Ian Morgan
I have asked this before Gerry but did not get anywhere, and as the BSI have to generate an income I imagine their view would be, why are we any different to any other group affected by standards.
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Re: BS/ISO Standards documents

Ian Wilde
In reply to this post by Gerry Boyle
Seems unjust that there should be any charge when it comes down to the health and wellbeing of patients. This is not a business that makes money we're talking about ,its the national health service!
Ian Wilde
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Re: BS/ISO Standards documents

Have recently been updating our collection.  They do seem expensive at, after £189 membership fee, around £70 for a 30 page pdf file.  There's also the uncertainty of some standards being updated five minutes after you've purchased the current one.  I noticed a few relevant to us are 'under review' but I'm fairly sure they have been for some time.
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Re: BS/ISO Standards documents

Gerry Boyle
In reply to this post by Gerry Boyle
Hi, This is on the agenda for discussion at the next ART comittee meeting.   I think that one way we can raise this profile is to have discussion groups examining each part of each document within a closed group.   Still leaves the purchase of the documents up in the air though and I suppose, like FIFA, they need to make their money somehow. Gerry
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Re: BS/ISO Standards documents

Chris Bates
Hi all,
Just purchased the pdf version of BS EN 62353:2014 for £204
We split the cost 3 ways between us, EBME, and Bio-engineering at another trust hospital.
Doesn't seem too bad if you can share the cost.
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Re: BS/ISO Standards documents

Gerry Boyle
Hi, I'm looking into the possibility of accessing through Athens.   Spoke with others in Medical Physics and they fail to see the need to even look at the standards documents.Words fail me. Gerry
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Re: BS/ISO Standards documents

Chris Bates
Athens ? Might need to get some Drachma.
I am not surprised at the lack of interest - as far as I can tell nobody in EBME here has been on any electrical safety testing course.
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Re: BS/ISO Standards documents

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In reply to this post by Gerry Boyle
Others maybe aware but looks like there has been an update to existing BSI documents relating to renal fluids with a new BS 23500 now consisting of parts 1 - 5.  In effect updating/replacing 23500:15, BS13959, BS26722, BS11663 and BS13958.  £474

If anybody already has access to these it would be useful to know if there are any notable changes from the original documents being superseded?
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Re: BS/ISO Standards documents

Chris Pearson
Just in case they may be cheaper than BSI I asked MTN and they buy theirs from here: