Cleaning machines externally

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Cleaning machines externally

Gerry Boyle

Does anyone have experience of cleaning the build up of cleaning products using a steam cleaner?   Infection control are dead nuts against it here (Dumfries & Galloway) because they cannot guarantee the temperature of steam (!)  

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Re: Cleaning machines externally

Ian Wilde
Cannot guarantee the temperature of steam
Ian Wilde
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Re: Cleaning machines externally

Ian Morgan
In reply to this post by Gerry Boyle
So could you not clean the gunk with the steam cleaner and then disinfect the exterior of the machine with something your infection control team are happy with?

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Re: Cleaning machines externally

Gerry Boyle
That's what I've done, just don't tell IC Police!   Interesting that you think it is possible for IC team to be happy though.   I wonder how they can eat food?   Probably risk assess each meal
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Re: Cleaning machines externally

Gareth Murcutt
What do they say if you suggest using the manufacturers recommendations?

P.S. I've always wanted to buy a house from a H&S adviser - just think of everything they'd leave behind because of manual handling risks. Garden might need a bit of work mind!