Dialyser Choice...

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Dialyser Choice...

Ian Wilde
Hello all,

Just wondering what dialysers people are using?  We are currently all Cordiax from Fresenius and when it comes to non-polysulfone we are using the Nipro Sureflux.

Would be interesting to get some other options/opinions.

Ian Wilde
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RE: Dialyser Choice...

Onkar Singh

Hi Ian


At New Cross, we use the Nipro Elisio dialyser.


Kind regards,

Onkar Singh | Chief Clinical Technologist/Section Head – Renal | Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering      

::  Emai       [hidden email]

(:  Tele        01902 69 5468 or 01902 307999 Ext: 5468/6144 or Bleep: 7790

*: Add        The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, The Deanesly Centre, C35, New Cross Hospital, Wednesfield Road, Wolverhampton WV10 0QP


   Description: Description: wolverhampton-cross The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust



From: Ian Wilde [via ART Forum] [mailto:ml+[hidden email]]
Sent: 02 December 2019 09:53
Subject: Dialyser Choice...


Hello all,

Just wondering what dialysers people are using?  We are currently all Cordiax from Fresenius and when it comes to non-polysulfone we are using the Nipro Sureflux.

Would be interesting to get some other options/opinions.


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RE: Dialyser Choice...

Ian Wilde
Cheers for that info Onkar.  

Do you use that dialyser across the board?  I have to admit I'm not familiar with that one hence why i need my eyes opening! :-)
Ian Wilde
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RE: Dialyser Choice...

Onkar Singh

Hi Ian


We use the Nipro Elisio range across all our sites for some years now.


Kind regards,

Onkar Singh | Chief Clinical Technologist/Section Head – Renal | Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering      

::  Emai       [hidden email]

(:  Tele        01902 69 5468 or 01902 307999 Ext: 5468/6144 or Bleep: 7790

*: Add        The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, The Deanesly Centre, C35, New Cross Hospital, Wednesfield Road, Wolverhampton WV10 0QP


   Description: Description: wolverhampton-cross The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust



From: Ian Wilde [via ART Forum] [mailto:ml+[hidden email]]
Sent: 02 December 2019 11:07
Subject: RE: Dialyser Choice...


Cheers for that info Onkar.  

Do you use that dialyser across the board?  I have to admit I'm not familiar with that one hence why i need my eyes opening! :-)

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Re: Dialyser Choice...

Chris Bates
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
We use mainly Fresenius FX60-120 Cordiax dialysers
We also use a few Baxter/Gambro Polyflux and Evodial
We use a few Elisio 25h for our largest patients but are switching them to FX120 which we didn't realise was available until recently.

Probably going to trial Nipro Sureflux for patients with reactions to polysulfone very soon.

When the Supply chain towers are finalised soon I suspect a lot of long term price deals like ours are going to disappear. If so the normal size Elisios look to be a good price.
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Re: Dialyser Choice...

Chris Pearson
Will you be forced to migrate over to SC even if your current prices are lower ?
Just doing our submission at the moment it's a nightmare :-0
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Re: Dialyser Choice...

Chris Bates
Hi Chris,
Not so much forced, as Fresenius will not be extending their current prices to us which we have had for over 5 years.
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Re: Dialyser Choice...

In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
Nipro Elisio with Fresenius fx8 for new patients
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Re: Dialyser Choice...

Ian Wilde
Another vote for Nipro there Garry.  I've asked our clinicians to look into it so may here something back in the next 1-2 years!
Ian Wilde