E63 and E64 errors at start-up

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E63 and E64 errors at start-up

Hi everyone,
Am working on Gambro AK200 Ultra S machine. When I switched on the machine, it displays E63 and E64. It cannot execute the start-up tests.
Anyone to help me please.
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Re: E63 and E64 errors at start-up

Chris Bates
I vaguely remember these errors from 20 years ago when I was with Gambro. I'm sure Gerry or Peter Rann would remember better. I did find this
which has this description if it helps:

Good luck
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Re: E63 and E64 errors at start-up

John Nixon
In reply to this post by Greg
Hi working on tha AK's I only had this error once and had to replaced the FM CPU PCB, hope this helps