GAMBRO AK200 Disinfection issue

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GAMBRO AK200 Disinfection issue

I have a Gambro AK200 machine that can not finish shows me -01. I can remark that the degassing pump is not running and also the blood leak trap is empty. I have replaced the degassing pump and the DRVA. Also I have replaced the recirculation valve. But no changes.
Can you please advise me some ideas..
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Re: GAMBRO AK200 Disinfection issue

Do you have access to logging? I would check that all the chambers that it wants empty are. E.g Top priming, Heating vessel, Degas and PD.

Drew Blackmore
Senior Renal Tech
Royal Free London
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Re: GAMBRO AK200 Disinfection issue

Apart from the Heating vessel, all the chambers are empty. And the degassing pump is not running.
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Re: GAMBRO AK200 Disinfection issue


Does the degas pump run in Fch? and draw round fluid? If not it maybe Fm CPU brd. Have you checked the stirrer motor? As it could drag the degas pump down, although I would expect this to spanner during Fch.

Drew Blackmore
Senior Renal Tech
Royal Free London
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Re: GAMBRO AK200 Disinfection issue

John Nixon
In reply to this post by Maxence11
in the past I have found that these are common faults that cause this error.

if you have logging make sure that the heating vessel is at the same level as the logging, replace  level detector in the heating vessel

tube between the flow out pump (FOP), ZEVA & channel 1 input UF cell has come off

 flow out hanson is loose

recirculation assemble, ok the 2 T connectors behind it one of them split

over temperature sensors tripped, on top of the heating vessel at the back

A pump stuck/ not running

Hope this helps