History of early UK Dialysis

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History of early UK Dialysis

Chris Pearson
Hi all,
I was fortunate enough to have bumped into Dr.John Turney at the recent SRA meeting in Peebles and spent the best part of 2 hours reminiscing about the fun we had in the early days and he let me know he had done a degree and subsequent pHD on The History of Dialysis,he did say he would send me a copy of his presentation to the SRA but sadly it hasn't appreared to date but thought you might like to read this paper he published on the early days:


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Re: History of early UK Dialysis

Will have a read, thanks
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Re: History of early UK Dialysis

In reply to this post by Chris Pearson
I read your post on the ART forum.
There is a webstite dealing with UK dialysis history which is run by Neil Turner and John Feehally which you can find at www.ukkidneyhistory.org ,.
Whilst there is a lot of material on the development of nephrology in the UK ( its been the subject of a witness seminar, as well as a book by Stewart Cameron, much less is available about the evolution of technology and the development of technical services within the renal units in the UK. Let alone some of the peronalities that were involved in the early days of dialysis such as Michael Daunt who was the first peron to fly the Meteor jet aircraft, and who subsequently became a renal technician at the Wordsley Hospital. I have recently contributed to the site ( its not yet up) a review of the dialyser evaluation programme that ran at Newcastle.
It would be nice to get some of the other historic information together from the technical view point, so if you or others who may be reading this have material  i would be happy to receive it ( nahoenich@gmail.com)  
Best regards
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Re: History of early UK Dialysis

Chris Pearson
Hi Nick,
After watching the Call the Midwife series last night I couldn't remember who was the orginal Nephrologist at The Free so Googled it and found this amazing website which brought back so many memories of the early days for me .
Sadly for some reason the author has airbrushed Lodge Moor in Sheffield out of the history books so no mention of their early pioneers such as Maggie Platts,Peter Moorhead,Colin Brown, Meguid El Nahas and Andrew Raftery who trained up so many other young Senior Registrars who then went onto being Consultants elsewhere such as Tony Nicholls, and the great technical advances Graham Harston helped with including his work with British Standards at Aldermaston and IBEES with Lizzie..

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Re: History of early UK Dialysis

Hopefully this will be redressed on the new website being developed by John Feehally and others.
Don’t forget that ART also had pioneers as past members who should not be forgotten,Mike Daunt is one that I am sure many will recognise, He was the chief technician at the Wordsley Hosptal before retirement, but he was a test pilot with Gloster previously and was involved with the Meteor . Also there were others who came from equally diverse backgrounds. The technicians at Newcastle had no prior experience and previously worked at Parsons/Swan Hunter/Coal Board.
As well as the early technicians the early company reps were equally diverse.
Hopefully they will not be forgotten
Best regards