Isolating machines

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Isolating machines

Ian Wilde
Hi all,

just trying to get a picture of what people do when they isolate machines for a patient with an unknown virology for instance?

If they hang any more signs on the machines here they will struggle to see the display!

Ian Wilde
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Re: Isolating machines

Hi Ian,

Staff hang a laminated sign on the drip stand detailing equipment number, patient hospital number and last disinfected date.  Above the screen (on our Brauns) the staff also affix a printed label reinforcing that equipment is for single patient use only.
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Re: Isolating machines

Ian Wilde
Seems like a sensible approach to me Garry.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Isolating machines

Chris Bates
Sensible would be nice.

After an incident a few years ago our policy is ridiculously over the top.

I posted an explanation but deleted it as it was going to be too long.

Suffice to say we have:
Coloured rods
Coloured padlocks - only techs have the key
Coloured labels
A laminated sign
Electronic notification of isolation with names of staff (and patient if required) and reasons.
Electronic de-isolation requests.

Don't get me started on machines with blood spillages
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Re: Isolating machines

Ian Wilde
Sweet lord Chris!  I thought we had it bad!!
Ian Wilde
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RE: Isolating machines

Onkar Singh
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde

Hi Ian


We have the Surdial-X machines and place a Yellow sticker with 5 stars on it to indicate isolation. This doesn’t take up much space on the display and is a good visual.

We also put machine and patent details (minimum info required to correctly ID patient) on  Yellow paper. This is then laminated (IP control) and attached to the top (horizontal surface) of the machine behind the display (this minimises patent information exposure).


Kind regards,

Onkar Singh | Chief Clinical Technologist/Section Head – Renal | Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering      

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From: Ian Wilde [via ART Forum] [mailto:ml+[hidden email]]
Sent: 15 August 2018 11:02
Subject: Isolating machines


Hi all,

just trying to get a picture of what people do when they isolate machines for a patient with an unknown virology for instance?

If they hang any more signs on the machines here they will struggle to see the display!


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RE: Isolating machines

Roger Moore
Hi all

Some very interesting posts on this subject.

ART have a presentation being delivered by an IP Nurse on Friday morning of this year's Conference and will include the subject of BBV.
Kind regards


ART Chair