Magnetic Drive WRO300H Pump Head Life

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Magnetic Drive WRO300H Pump Head Life

Matt Waite
Has anyone noticed any difference in the failure rate of the newer magnetic drive pump heads on the WRO300H, compared to the older direct drive types?
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Re: Magnetic Drive WRO300H Pump Head Life

Simon Brooke
We have just replaced a magnetic coupled pump head that became noisy after 5000Hrs use.
I thought it was a 'one off' premature failure but from your question, maybe they aren't lasting as long.
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Re: Magnetic Drive WRO300H Pump Head Life

Chris Pearson
In reply to this post by Matt Waite
Probably bit like a front load washing machine with just 1 bearing taking all the load especially if the magnet end isn't accurately balanced and wobbles slightly.
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Re: Magnetic Drive WRO300H Pump Head Life

Matt Waite
In reply to this post by Matt Waite
It might be that they're not failing more frequently, just differently.

The direct drive type usually suffer vane failure, making the rotor hard / impossible to turn or the seal fails and they leak fluid out the spindle. I don't think we've had a magnetic drive pump fail in that manner, they all seem to die because the drive magnet has broken up.

With the older (direct drive) members of the fleet being retired one by one, it might be that we're seeing more magnetic failures because they are now the majority of what we have.