New build going up

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New build going up

Ian Wilde
We have a new satellite unit being built so thought I'd post a couple of pics...

Outside of the building - not all renal - we just have one floor.

Our soon to be technical workshop

Water treatment plant

more to follow...
Ian Wilde
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Re: New build going up

Terry Simpson
Wow! Ian lots of shiny new toys.
How many stations is your new satellite going to have, and whens the scheduled opening date?
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Re: New build going up

Ian Wilde
I know Terry!  Its like Christmas!

Dialysis is due to start taking place at the end of March so as you can imagine there is a lot going on.

It will have 20 stations plus a home training facility which is 12 stations.  Included in the 20 are isolation rooms too.  There is also what we term a step down room where patients ready to go home do their last few dialysis on their own but with the support of nurses still in the building if needed.
Ian Wilde
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Re: New build going up

Ian Wilde
One of the small bays

Main dialysis bay

Another small bay

Home training

Ian Wilde
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Re: New build going up

Ian Wilde
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
ECOMIX system now unwrapped and commissioned.

We go live in around 3 weeks.

Ian Wilde
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Re: New build going up

Hi Ian,

With the unit not being on the ground floor was there any requirement for any leak detection either in the plant room of dialysis area?  Here at Coventry our main unit is on the 5th floor and there have been occasions when leaks have worked their way to the floor below.  
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Re: New build going up

Ian Wilde
Hi Garry,

It wasn't asked for or recommended by anyone so it was never done in our particular build.

What I will say is that we have had some leaks through to the floor below but I know the reason why.  I recommend to the project management team that the entire floor should have been treated to a rubberised paint before the water plant itself was installed but due to some reasons mainly to do with tight deadlines they decided to paint the floor once the equipment was in. The leaks we have had have come from badly sealed floor drains.

Ian Wilde