Hi all,
We're looking at a plan to take dialysis to the patient in places where there are no current dialysis facilities.
Bring the patients to our main hospital for dialysis only takes up valuable bed space.
The initial thought it to use a NxStage bagged dialysate system however we would still have the issue of getting the waste from the machine to a suitable place which may not be viable. Infection control are not fans of lobbing a waste pipe into the nearest hand washing sink.
One though was if we could catch the waste fluid and then dispose of it a bit like in PD. I just wondered if anyone els ehad any thoughts or ideas?
we're keen to avoid any moving and handling issues too so collecting the whole session's waste in one container that may weight 30kg won't be an option unless it could be pumped out into the sluice of something.
Who knows, I may have just hit on my million £ idea ;-)
Ian Wilde