Plant floor drains

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Plant floor drains

Hi All,

Does anybody have a main water treatment plant in use without a floor drain?  Not something we currently have but the option has been put forward with some sort of leak detection?

Any experiences to share?
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Re: Plant floor drains

Ian Wilde
Hi Garry,

That would be a bold move!  Seeing as an RO requires a drain, the softeners require a drain and the carbon vessels require a drain I don't know why they couldn't just pop a floor drain in for you?

Where abouts would you place a leak detector - so many options to choose from?

Even when the plant isn't leaking it's nice to have somewhere to pour the water from the filter bowls or leave filters to dry/drain.  Also comes in handy for when you need to get shut of your water sample for your hardness and chlorine checks.

When you get your carbon and softener re bedded in the future - the lack of a drain could prove a real headache!

Every plant needs a drain and a bund.  But that's just my opinion.

I realise it doesn't really answer your question but thought I'd give some reasons why to argue for one.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Plant floor drains

Cheers, totally agree.  It maybe an option, still need to talk to estates.

There would be a drain, but not at floor level within the plant room.  My initial concern would be with any leaks stopping the plant as opposed to just wetting the floor and draining away until problem is resolved.  

Yes, would definitely need a good bund.
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Re: Plant floor drains

Chris Pearson
Hi Garry,
What about a water detector in the bund attached to a high capacity sump pump pumping any leak into the high level drain ?
My mate in Bakewell had 1 in his garden when the river at the bottom of his garden flooded :-)
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Re: Plant floor drains

John Nixon
In reply to this post by Garry

I have seen one plant room that was a mod, it had a leakage sensor connected to an alarm sounder that ran round the room about 2 inches above the floor level. If there was any condesation on the carbon or softners dripping or any small drips it set the alarm off. It did not stop plant just set off the sounder. Nursing staff complained about it as it was at the weekend or out of hours it would alarm.
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Re: Plant floor drains

In reply to this post by Garry
Thanks for your views.  Another meeting next week so will see what transpires.