Pure water ring using flexible pipe

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Pure water ring using flexible pipe

Chris Bates
We have a temporary extension to a PVC ring for a non heat disinfecting RO.
We have used Aquavend flexible hose and s/steel tees to s/steel Walthers.
Does anyone else have a flexible hose ring.
Our micro results have been OK - no worse than any of our other old PVC/ABS rings
Can anyone tell me if and why this is a bad idea for a long term solution ?
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Re: Pure water ring using flexible pipe

John Moore
I personally can't see any real problems with this Chris. In many ways it may even be better than ABS/PVC as it's probably less susceptible to accidental damage! So long as your micro results continue to be good and the fact that most current HD machines use endotoxin filters I wouldn't have any major concerns.
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Re: Pure water ring using flexible pipe

Ian Wilde
In reply to this post by Chris Bates
The insides of machines are all flexible hosing and they seem to do ok.
I think with possibly a more regular disinfection then you wouldn't have any problems.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Pure water ring using flexible pipe

Chris Bates
On a similar topic:
We are going to replace all our pre-treatment at one unit - a bit at a time. Pumpset and tank , GACs and Softeners.

All our other pre-treatment pipework is either stainless steel (expensive crimper required) or glued PVC/ABS.

I am thinking of using water industry standard 25mm MDPE with compression fittings - simple cheap and easy.

Anyone done this ?
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Re: Pure water ring using flexible pipe

Ian Wilde
We haven't Chris but I can't see any reason why it would be a problem.
Ian Wilde