Softener Salt

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Softener Salt

Matt Waite
Is anyone else finding that the supply of (sensibly priced) softener salt is drying up?

We're hearing rumours of production difficulties.

Our usual supplier has had none for a couple of months, and our alternative supplier is warning that that they're selling it faster than they're receiving it, so the situation may get worse before it gets better.
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Re: Softener Salt

Ian Wilde
People buying up for winter perhaps?

We get ours from Univar and have also tried Hanson in the past.

10kg bags of tablet salt for us.  We used to have the 25kg bags but you know, moving and handling and all that...
Ian Wilde
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Re: Softener Salt

In reply to this post by Matt Waite
We were informed by our supplier on 19th August that a mechanical failure on the production line was going to lead to shortages.  Unsure how many tablet salt production lines are out there but we have had to move to granular in the interim.