Sporotal 100

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Sporotal 100

fraser gilmour
This post was updated on .
We've just had a batch of Sporotal through with only seven months remaining before the expiry date. With this date we will only use about half the 4.3L can and have to dispose of the rest as hazardous waste. Just wondered what others are seeing in terms of expiry date? I'm sure I've seen them longer
We looked at switching to 1L cans but the cost is a lot more and I'm not sure how secure the can would be on the back.
Is anyone one else noticing this?
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Re: Sporotal 100

Ian Wilde
We get our deliveries tomorrow.  I'll look out for any Sporotal that may arrive.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Sporotal 100

Richard Furminger
In reply to this post by fraser gilmour
Hi Fraser,
Yes, have had similar expiry date 'problems' in the past, just 7 or 8 months remaining. On one occasion, at my request, they even resupplied us but still there was not a great deal of difference. LIke yourself, only using Sporotal weekly resulted in a huge amount going down the sink. Finally I switched to 1lt cans which although slightly more expensive results in no waste, lasts 12 weeks or more, and sits more comfortably on the rear shelf with the adjacent 5lt Citrosteril. i.e. less chance of both larger cans tumbling off and those nasty fluids mixing on the floor and producing a toxic gas!
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Re: Sporotal 100

fraser gilmour
Did you negotiate a good price for the 1l cans? i couldn't believe the difference in price. Tell me your staff weren't really pouring it down the sink?
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Re: Sporotal 100

Richard Furminger
I wouldn't admit to anything like that! or that I used it out of date......I obtained all the new size caps/connectors FOC and when I worked out the cost difference it was not that much more, litre for litre and I feel 'happier' about less waste etc. I can't disclose the price we pay, we are a private concern you know, but whinge and nag like I did!