Sustainable dialysis

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Sustainable dialysis

Gareth Murcutt
Hi all,

I've put together a draft training module called Sustainable Dialysis and Introduction to Carbon Footprinting. I'd really like to organise a Teams meeting one afternoon in two or three weeks to try it out on an audience and get some feedback. My view is that renal techs are uniquely placed to help in these  projects. ONLY we have the expertise in equipment options, consumables, energy/water usage and infrastructure that can be used to look at possibilities within dialysis units. I also believe that knowing the basics of carbon footprinting will become an increasingly important skill and is one that naturally suits people with an engineering/scientific (and slightly sceptical) outlook.

These are the draft Learning Outcomes

• Why does sustainability matter?
• What is the impact of kidney care on NHS sustainability?
• Different methods of calculating the environmental impact
• The top-down carbon footprint method with example
• The bottom-up carbon footprint method
• Example: Central acid delivery versus concentrate cans
• Other important benefits – the SusQI equation
• More examples of potential technical sustainability projects
• Round-up and resource list

Happy for comments or please email me at gareth.murcutt@net if you'd be interested in joining a meeting. Date/Time TBA
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Re: Sustainable dialysis

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Re: Sustainable dialysis

Gareth Murcutt
Hi all,

I'm going to run through the draft training module on Teams this Thursday, July 18th between 2-3pm. If anyone wants to join or ask a member of their team to attend then please drop me a mail and I'll send out invite.

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Re: Sustainable dialysis

Roger Moore
I thoroughly enjoyed Gareth's presentation to the ART Committee and highly recommend joining the session on 18th July if you can.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: Sustainable dialysis

Gareth Murcutt
Just to say many thanks to everyone who attended earlier. I was absolutely delighted by the turnout and hope I gave you some useful info to make you think about/consider current practice. We aren't getting to Net Zero doing what we're doing now! This applies as much to my service as any other.

Please feel free to email me if any you have any thoughts or questions and thanks again.
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Re: Sustainable dialysis

Gareth Murcutt
Does anyone currently use Fresenius Autoflow (or similar on any other machine) in HDF mode? Also if anyone has data on clearances that would be great.
Many thanks
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Re: Sustainable dialysis

Gareth Murcutt
HNY all,

Further to my question above I've attached a file that shows the financial and CO2e savings we hope to make by converting one (47 bed) unit to autoflow instead of 500mls/min. The unit has central acid delivery.