TOC levels

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TOC levels

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I was wondering what level of TOC renal units were experiencing from around the country in their mains water.  We are currently experiencing issues with the efficiency of our carbon beds and our renal water treatment provider suspects that high TOC levels may be a contributory factor.

Severn Trent Water publish average TOC levels of 4.4mg/l for the area, much higher than that supplied to out other units.  Do any other units experience levels similar to this and if so have you encountered similar problems with efficiency/life of your carbon beds.  If problems have been experienced what measures have been put into place ie organic scavenger pre carbon columns. -have these been successful?

Our incoming water total Cl around 0.60ppm total, 0.45 free.


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Re: TOC levels

Ian Morgan
Mean of 2.3 mg/L at King's Denmark Hill
0.6 mg/L in Dartford
2.2 mg/L in Bromley
2.3 mg/L in Woolwich
2.3 mg/L in Sydenham
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Re: TOC levels

fraser gilmour
In reply to this post by Garry
We seem to have a difference between the two water companies in our region. Averaging 0.6 in the west and around 2 in the east.
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Re: TOC levels

In reply to this post by Garry
Does seem pretty high then, at our Rugby area, from what has been posted so far.