Weigh scales for home dialysis

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Weigh scales for home dialysis

Chris Bates
Hi all,
What do you all do with scales for home haemo (and PD?) patients?
I assume they should be 'M' marked Class III scales and should be regularly checked.
Do you do the cal checks or swap out with calibrated scales ?
Does anyone supply non medical scales or let the patients use their own ?
I can't find any national guidance.
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Re: Weigh scales for home dialysis

Hi Chris,

We currently supply M class scales to all haemo patients.  Swap out for calibrated scales annually.  Calibration and certificate provided by local registered firm.  We use SECA 877 model

Quite old but I assume current document below

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Re: Weigh scales for home dialysis

Chris Bates
Hi Garry,
I did see that document, but it is only recommendations of an interested body based on the EU NAWI directive. It is worded so as to make it seem that we are compelled to use Class III or 'M' marked sacales for medical use.

The directive itself only seems to specify accuracy requirements for the Class of device and doesn't have anything about compulsion to use any particular class for medical purposes.

I suspect their recommendations are probably a good idea, but I was after actual UK/EU documents telling us what we 'MUST' use.

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Re: Weigh scales for home dialysis

Roger Moore
This post was updated on .
Hi all

Please see Estates and Facilities Alert EFA/2010/001:


If I am reading the alert correctly "it is a legal requirement to have equipment that is appropriately accurate" and "all
new medical weighing equipment should be of Class III accuracy (or higher if appropriate)".
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: Weigh scales for home dialysis

Chris Bates
Thanks Roger,

Just the sort of thing I was looking for - have to justify every penny spent at the moment - same for everyone I guess.

(Still irritates my pedantic brain though, that the NAWI directive referred to in most of these documents in no way suggests what class of scale should be used for medical purposes !)
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Re: Weigh scales for home dialysis

Onkar Singh
Hi All

We use class III medical grade scales, but I cant find a reference to specify what the graduation or accuracy should be for the scales used for Renal patients.
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Re: Weigh scales for home dialysis

Matt Waite
In reply to this post by Chris Bates
We also use 877's which are swapped out annually and replaced with a freshly verified set.

We used to have a contractor that did the verification at the patient's home, but a change of supplier means we now have to bring them back to base to be checked. Consequentially we have to keep a stock of 'good' scales for exchange.