What machines do you have?

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What machines do you have?

Ian Wilde
Hi all,

Just wondered what machines make up the majority of what we look after.

Here in Manchester we have only two different manufacturers; Fresenius supplying the 5008/S and Baxter with the AK98.  I'm not counting NxStage as it's a managed service that we have no involvement with.

We find the 5008 very reliable with just the expected breakdowns you'd expect from a well hammered machine.  Our Ak98s haven't given us any bother either although they are used a hell of a lot less.

Without being libelous, how do you rate the machines you've got?

Ian Wilde
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Re: What machines do you have?

Chris Bates
Hi Ian,

We have 5008 and 5008S - very reliable.
Some 11 year old machines with >50k hours still not giving a lot of trouble.

NxStage - we don't maintain.

Used to have Nikkiso DBB-05 as well - pretty good but couldn't cope with high pump speeds and sub rates In post-dilution HDF. Also didn't like us only rinsing between patients, but nobody else does that.

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Re: What machines do you have?

John Barnes
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
We have Dialog machines, AK200s, AK95s and NxStage machines from a year and a bit old to 12 years old. we also have Herco, medica and Baxter water plant
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Re: What machines do you have?

Ian Wilde
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
Thank you for the replies gents.
Ian Wilde
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Re: What machines do you have?

fraser gilmour
We've recently switched from 5008 to the Nipro Surdial X for in-centre use. We use 5008S or NXstage at home.

5008 has been a decent machine aside from pressure transducers and leaking regulators. We'll see how the Surdial X does in terms of reliability but the consumable running cost was lower. 5008S gives us very little trouble at home and although we've had a lot of breakdowns with the NXstage the supplier swaps equipment out quite quickly.
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Re: What machines do you have?

In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
We have Fresenius 5008/s 4008/s, Nipro Surdial X, and some Braun dialogs.

We have Nxstage and install them and commission but don't repair.

Don't get great results from the Brauns.
Surdial X is pretty rock solid if you change the P1 every 2 years.

We are still running 4008's with 60k on the clock.

I would say for us its a tie between the 5008 and the Surdial X.

The Nipro went through a few spells of issues very early on but they have mostly been resolved.

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Re: What machines do you have?

In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
Braun Dialogs varying between a few years old and coming up to 10 years.  No issues of note from our experience.
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Re: What machines do you have?

Simon Brooke
We have 4008S, 5008S & Braun Dialog's, I'd agree with all the comments about reliability.

Are Nikkiso still supplying machines to the UK? I found details of their latest machine on-line but couldn't find any UK supplier info.
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Re: What machines do you have?

Chris Pearson
Hi Simon,
Nikisso are doing it direct themselves now and are doing really well,I can put you in touch with Bob if you e-mail me on c.pearson@healthtec.co.uk,don't want to post his details up without permission.
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Re: What machines do you have?

Roger Moore
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
Surdial X for unit use and NxStage for home.
Kind regards


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