Hi John,
We have something a bit similar - Fresenius 5008 machines paired up with an Aqua Uno for doing wards that are not plumbed with RO water.
We have a bib tap taken from a sink cold water feed and then we have a drain stack for the waste of machine and RO.
We only test the water quality 6 monthly as we do with our community patients who use the same RO. It's the same for disinfection frequency.
We have retrofitted a filter housing to the RO case containing a carbon filter which we change monthly as it is a low quality filter.
When not in use the RO is rinsing for 30 minutes every 4 hours on RO water from a media panel.
As you may have seen from my other post the feed water here in the northwest is pretty good to start with which gives us the confidence to have the regime that we do.
Ian Wilde